Identity Theft Protection At Ralph’s?

Buying Identity Theft Protection In Your Local Grocery Store

When I first started this identity theft blog a few years ago, I didn’t realize how big a problem identity theft would be. But as I’ve watched our blog’s traffic steadily grow and the number of identity theft services grow, I knew I was on to something. But I guess people are really starting to realize they need identity protection when I went to my local Ralphs grocery store and saw this in the aisles.

Now anybody familiar with the supermarket business knows they run on razor thin margins. They’re basically warehouses where they stock inventory and you remove what you want. The checkout aisle is premium space where they try to market goods to the impulse shopper, the person who goes in for one item and comes out with twenty. Because of this, the space in aisle is premium marketing real estate.

The fact they chose to stock the identity theft protection services here says alot about what consumers are buying. But are these products any good?

How Does Kroger’s Identity Theft Protection and Credit Monitoring Services Compare to established companies like Lifelock, TrustedID and Identity Guard?